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Importance of technology

Importance of technology 

What is technology?

Technology is the collection of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation.

How it helps us in our daily lives?

No one can escape from the absolute need of technology in our daily life. Every one of us is so dependent on technology that we cannot do without them. Starting from computers to keeping fit, we require technology at every step. Technology helps us to keep in touch with people who are away from us. We use the telephones and computers to talk to them and even see them. Our daily office work is also technology based. No longer do people use the pen and paper to complete their work. We maintain our health by going to the gyms. There are machines in the gym which help us reduce our weight and keep fit. The use of technology has made our life comfortable. We cannot think of a life sans technology. We get to keep a lot of information in a small device and use it when we like. Cars have also become better with the use of technology. Thus technology is undeniably an important of our life.

How it effects us? 

Modern technology has become such an important part of our lives that without it, the world would be radically different. We use so much technology (things like cell phones, computers, Wi-Fi, cars, etc.) that it has ceased to be the luxury item it was even 10 years ago and has become the basic necessity that it is today. But there are still many people who do not even have the basic access that many of us take for granted. If we are living on a very low income, things like cars, cell phones, and computers are going to stretch your budget. Cars need gas, maintenance, insurance. Cell phones need payment plans and a computer by itself can cost several hundred dollars. In our society now, if we do not personally own or do not have easy and convenient access, we are gone struggle to keep up. For many of my consumers, this is the first time owning a computer. Many are looking for work or are beginning to go back to school. For those who are going to school, finding classes online is very important. Many do not have a car or easy access to public transportation, so being able to access those classes online gives them an opportunity that they may not have had previously.

How we can manage to keep us away from technology?

We know from personal experience what it is like to attend school without a computer, and it was never an easy time. We have to schedule your time around when libraries and computer labs are open so that you can get your work done, and it is not always assured that there will be a space open for us. And the locations where the computers are may not always be easy to get to. During our time studying abroad, we had to take public transportation to a computer lab. Fortunately, the Austrians are known for their transportation systems, so we may only a 20 minute ride and walk away from wherever we had to be. We use t spent most of my senior year in college without a computer, mostly because we would be too lazy to get it fixed after it got a virus. So whenever we had any work to do, we have to drive to the school computer lab. It could get inconvenient and stressful at times to do all this, even considering the fact that I had easy access at all times.

Different types of technology?

Today we are going to show you the big amount of types of technology that exist. Maybe you don't know some of them, so we invite you to read this article to know about all the different ways technology can help us:
1. Fixed technology.
2. Flexible technology.
3. Soft technology.
4. Tough technology.
5. Equipment technology.
6. Operation technology.
7. Product technology.
8. Clean technology.
In brief all types of technology.

1. Fixed technology.
Fixed technology can't be reused. It's called this way because it never changes. Oil refineries and fuels are some examples of fixed technology.

2. Flexible technology.
We are daily surrounded by flexible technology. It's called "flexible" because from technical knowledge other products can be made. Some examples are food and pharmaceutical industries.

3. Soft technology.
Soft technology gathers commercialisation, planification and administration knowledge, without knowing any technical information. Unlike flexible technology, soft technology can't be seen or touched. Computers and smartphones are examples of soft technology.

4. Tough technology.
Tough technology is the combination of the technical knowledge people use to create gadgets like machines, materials or tangible products, that is, things that can be touched or seen.

5. Equipment technology.
This is one of the types of technology that can be applied into industry, because it includes all the products that are made thanks to mass production, such as plastic and textile processes.
6. Operation technology.
Operation technology is achieved as a result of observation during a very long time, where people analyse and evaluate what they observed, for using it in other types of technology, like equipment or tough technology.

7. Product technology.
It's the one that gathers techniques, knowledge and characteristics that are used to obtain a product or to reach a goal.

8. Clean technology.
Clean technology doesn't have any detrimental effect on Earth while being used. Solar panels are a good example of clean technology, because they don't affect our environment.
These are the eight types of technology we can find. All of them are useful for our lives, and they help us in many different ways.
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  1. Thank you I am in 8th class tomorrow is my speaking activity on types of technology. After searching that on web finally I found a legit essay

    Thank you


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